(1) 准确的地址如果没有记录在映射关系中,也就映射该地址的经纬度;
(2) 准确的地址也存在映射到经纬度的不精确性,并且该比例还不小;
(3) 模糊或过时的地址还需要校正,如果不能校正,也就不能映射到经纬度。
运输和物流公司比如UPS,许可、购买和/或使用来自厂商如Tele Atlas® and NAVTEQ®的数字地图。公司接收数字地图,可以包括关于街道、道路、大街、桥梁、高速公路、州际公路、兴趣点、地理界标等的地图数据。在数字地图中呈现的行车道路、街道、高速公路等本文称为“街道网络”。基于街道网络,数字地图的地图数据能够用于提供方向在街道网络内向特定目的地驶,比如提供方向以向特定可服务地址行驶以投递包裹。
正如所指,数字地图能够用于提供例如从A点到B点行驶所用的信息。为了这样做,数字地图可以包括很多信息,比如街道区段、 海拔高度、经度、维度、限速、方向限制,以及与街道网络或街道网络的区段相关联的时间损失和其他信息。例如,街道可以被 表示为街道名称、地址范围以及定义该街道整体形状和位置的经纬度 坐标系列。为了确定从A点到B点行驶的方向,应当注意在这个实例中,(a)数字地图不提供特定可服务地址所在的精确位置,例如,给定街道、道路或大街(如它假设地址在给定街道、道路或大街上线性分布),以及(b)它假设A点的起点位置和B点的终点位置实际上都位于数字地图的街道网络上。例如,假若分配给某街道的地址范围从1至100并且需要到与该街道上50号相关联的可服务地址的方向,该地图数据便用于接近该街道上与50号相关联的可服务地址所在处。例如使用插值,在使用该区段的长度确定时将确定与50号相关联的可服务地址位于该街道区段的中间。因此,例如,假若该区段长一英里,从该街道区段的起点测量时将确定与50号相关联的可服务地址在该街道区段行进1/2英里。换言之,地图数据假设在街道网络中地址的线性分布而不提供关于个别地址的精确位置信息。一旦被用于提供到可服务地址的近似方向,给定了数字地图中的信息缺失,还必须假设该可服务地址位于街道网络上。例如,假若与可服务地址相关联的特定商务大楼位于离开街道网络2/10英里的车道上,该数字地图数据将不反映这段增加的驾驶距离,从而将不说明到街道网络的具体连接位置、增加的行驶时间和行驶距离。
Take for example: 742 Evergreen Terrace
Let's say that this segment (for instance, a block) of Evergreen Terrace runs from 700 to 799. Even-numbered addresses fall on the east side of Evergreen Terrace, with odd-numbered addresses on the west side of the street. 742 Evergreen Terrace would (probably) be located slightly less than halfway up the block, on the east side of the street. A point would be mapped at that location along the street, perhaps offset a distance to the east of the street centerline.
Complicating factors
However, this process is not always as straightforward as in this example.
Difficulties arise when
•distinguishing between ambiguous addresses such as 742 Evergreen Terrace and 742 W Evergreen Terrace.
•attempting to geocode new addresses for a street that is not yet added to the geographic information system database.
While there might be 742 Evergreen Terrace in Springfield, there might also be a 742 Evergreen Terrace in Shelbyville. Asking for the city name (and state, province, country, etc. as needed) can solve this problem. Boston, Massachusetts[1] has multiple "100 Washington Street" locations because several cities have been annexed without changing street names, thus requiring use of unique postal codes or district names for disambiguation.
Geocoding accuracy can be greatly improved by first utilizing good address verification practices. Address verification will confirm the existence of the address and will eliminate ambiguities. Once the valid address is determined, it is very easy to geocode and determine the latitude/longitude coordinates.
A very common error is to believe the accuracy ratings of a given map's geocodable attributes. Such accuracy currently touted by most vendors has no bearing on an address being attributed to the correct segment, being attributed to the correct side of the segment, nor resulting in an accurate position along that correct segment. With the geocoding process used for U.S. Census TIGER datasets, 5-7.5% of the addresses may be allocated to a different census tract, while 50% of the geocoded points might be located to a different property parcel.[2]
The accuracy of geocoded data can also have a bearing on the quality of research that can be done using this data.
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?%20title=Geocoding&oldid=530166116